Becoming Catholic / Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

We are a community of Roman Catholic Christians who have experienced God’s love, shown through His Son, Jesus Christ. We commit ourselves to living our lives as ‘faithful disciples of the Lord’, striving to make His way of life our own, more and more each day.
We encourage you to contact us with any questions you have about Catholic faith practice. And we invite you to check us out: Clinton County residents, people new to St. Johns, adults new to ‘Church’ communities, Christians and members of other faith traditions, curious about who we are – come and see! All are welcome to join us in worship, during one of our many Masses, and in prayer during our communal devotions: Tuesday evening Rosary, Friday Adoration – all day.
If you are interested in learning about the Catholic Faith, or brushing up on what you learned long ago, please check out our Inquiry Classes, which run in the fall. Inquiry is a structured time for asking questions, and learning basics about the Catholic Faith. ‘Inquirers,’ who decide they are interested in joining us, are guided through the RCIA process of becoming Catholic in steps; these are similar to casual dating, courtship, engagement and marriage. The entire process includes opportunities to grow in knowledge as well as friendship. Moving through the steps is celebrated with rituals that signify our deepening commitment (the community and the individual), one to each other.
Please address any questions about becoming Catholic to Amanda Grigar, Director of Adult Faith Formation & Evangelization. Email: call the parish office: (989) 224-8994